Unraveling the Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna

Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna
Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna

Discover the best yoga mat for infrared sauna use, the importance of having one, the benefits of infrared saunas, and more. Dive into the detailed guide.

Oh, the joys of sauna yoga! If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s high time you did. It’s yoga, but, you guessed it, in a sauna. Specifically, an infrared sauna. But before you jump into your downward dog, you need the perfect companion—the best yoga mat for infrared sauna. Yes, it’s a thing. And yes, you need one.

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Why Do You Need a Specific Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna?

Using a regular yoga mat for infrared sauna yoga can lead to several problems. Here’s a deeper dive into why a specific mat for infrared sauna is essential:

  1. Heat Resistance: Regular yoga mats are designed for use at room temperature and may start to degrade or even melt when exposed to the high temperatures of an infrared sauna. The heat resistance of a mat is crucial because infrared saunas typically operate at a temperature between 120°F and 140°F. A mat designed for infrared sauna use will be made of materials that can withstand these temperatures without getting damaged.
  2. Non-Slip: Sweating is inevitable in a sauna, and regular yoga mats can become slippery when wet, increasing the risk of injury. A mat designed for infrared sauna use will have a non-slip surface that provides grip even when wet, helping you maintain your balance and stability during your practice.
  3. Comfort: The heat from the sauna can make the floor feel even harder than it is. A regular yoga mat may not provide enough cushioning to be comfortable during your session. In contrast, a yoga mat designed for infrared sauna use will provide extra cushioning to ensure comfort even on a harder surface.

Investing in a yoga mat specifically designed for infrared sauna use will ensure that you have a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable yoga session.

So, as you can see, not just any mat will do. You need the best yoga mat for infrared sauna.

The Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Before we dive into the best yoga mat for infrared sauna, let’s talk about why you might want to do yoga in an infrared sauna in the first place.

Infrared saunas offer several unique benefits compared to traditional saunas:

  1. Detoxification: Sweating is one of the body’s primary methods of eliminating toxins. In an infrared sauna, the heat penetrates deeper into the skin compared to a traditional sauna, promoting more sweat and, consequently, more detoxification. This can help to flush out toxins from the body, including heavy metals like lead and mercury.
  2. Relaxation: Infrared saunas produce a gentle, soothing heat that helps to relax the muscles and reduce tension throughout the body. This can be particularly beneficial before a yoga session as it prepares the body for stretching and movement.
  3. Weight Loss: The heat generated by the infrared sauna increases the body’s metabolism and helps to burn calories. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that a 30-minute infrared sauna session could burn roughly 600 calories. Combining this with the calorie-burning effects of yoga can lead to even more significant weight loss.
  4. Pain Relief: Infrared heat helps to increase circulation and reduce inflammation, which can be beneficial for those suffering from muscle aches, joint pain, or chronic pain conditions like arthritis.

Sounds pretty great, right? Now, let’s move on to the mats.

Finding the Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna

Now that you know why you need a specific yoga mat for an infrared sauna and the benefits of doing yoga in a sauna, let’s talk about how to find the best yoga mat for infrared sauna.

  1. Material: Look for a mat made of a heat-resistant material like thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) or natural rubber. These materials are designed to withstand higher temperatures without melting or deforming. Some mats may also have a heat-reflective coating that can help to keep the surface cool.
  2. Thickness: A thicker mat will provide more cushioning, which can be especially important in the sauna, where the heat can make the floor feel even harder. However, a thicker mat may also be heavier and harder to carry. A thickness of about 6mm is usually a good balance between comfort and portability.
  3. Size: Make sure the mat is large enough for you to do all your yoga poses comfortably, but not so large that it won’t fit in the sauna. Standard yoga mats are about 24 inches wide and 68 inches long, but you may need a larger or smaller mat depending on your size and the poses you plan to do.
  4. Grip: A good mat should have a non-slip surface to prevent you from slipping during your practice. This is especially important in the sauna, where you will be sweating more than usual.
  5. Durability: Make sure the mat is durable and can withstand the heat of the sauna as well as the pressure from your yoga poses. A good quality mat should last for several years, even with regular use.

A Few Options to Consider for The Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna Use

  • HigherDose Infrared and PEMF mat: Although not specifically designed for use inside an infrared sauna, this mat combines excellent build quality with far-infrared and PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology, making it a great option for yoga outside the sauna and for infrared therapy. homesaunaheaven.com recommends it as the best yoga mat for infrared sauna on the market in 2023.
  • SolarFlex Far Infrared heated Hot Yoga Mat: Available on Amazon, this mat is another option that could potentially be used for yoga inside the infrared sauna. However, be sure to check the product reviews to ensure its suitability for your specific needs.
  • Bamboo Mat Yoga Tent: While not exactly a yoga mat, this product from creatrixsolutions.com is designed to protect your floor during near-infrared sauna therapy and exercise. It does not offer the infrared heat itself, but it could be a good option for those who already have an infrared sauna.

Tips for Yoga in an Infrared Sauna

  • Stay Hydrated: It’s crucial to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your session to stay hydrated. The heat from the sauna will make you sweat a lot, and it’s important to replenish the lost fluids. Try to drink at least 8 ounces of water before starting, and keep a water bottle nearby to sip from during your practice.
  • Listen to Your Body: Don’t push yourself too hard. It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks if needed. If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous, it’s a sign that you should stop and cool down.
  • Start Slow: If you’re new to sauna yoga, start with a shorter session and gradually increase the time as your body gets used to the heat. A good starting point might be 15-20 minutes, and you can increase by 5-10 minutes each session until you reach a comfortable duration.
  • Use a Towel: Placing a towel on your mat can help absorb sweat and provide extra grip. It’s also more hygienic as it’s easier to wash a towel than a yoga mat. Some people prefer to use a yoga towel, which is designed to be the same size as a yoga mat and has a non-slip surface.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Wear light, breathable clothing that wicks away sweat. Avoid cotton as it absorbs sweat and can become heavy and uncomfortable. Synthetic materials like polyester or nylon are good options.
  • Cool Down: After your session, take a few minutes to cool down outside the sauna. Drink water, wipe off sweat, and do some gentle stretches to help your body recover.
  • Clean Your Mat: Make sure to clean your mat after each use to remove sweat and bacteria. Most yoga mats can be cleaned with a mixture of water and mild soap, but be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions.

Remember, it’s always important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Conclusion on the Best Yoga Mat for Infrared Sauna

Doing yoga in an infrared sauna can have numerous benefits, from detoxification to pain relief. However, to make the most of your session, it’s important to have the right equipment. While a regular yoga mat might work, it’s better to invest in the best yoga mat for infrared sauna to ensure comfort, safety, and durability.

Remember to consider the material, thickness, size, grip, and durability when choosing a mat. And don’t forget to stay hydrated, listen to your body, start slow, and use a towel.

Happy sweating!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I use a regular yoga mat in an infrared sauna?

A: While you technically can use a regular yoga mat in an infrared sauna, it is not recommended. Regular yoga mats may not withstand the heat, may cause you to slip, and may not provide enough cushioning. It’s better to invest in a mat specifically designed for use in an infrared sauna.

Q2: How hot does an infrared sauna get?

A: Infrared saunas typically operate at a temperature of between 120°F and 140°F. However, the temperature can vary depending on the sauna and your personal preferences.

Q3: How long should I do yoga in the infrared sauna?

A: It’s best to start with a shorter session of about 15-20 minutes and gradually increase the time as your body gets used to the heat. However, it’s always important to listen to your body and take breaks if needed.

Q4: Can I do hot yoga in an infrared sauna?

A: Yes, you can do hot yoga in an infrared sauna. In fact, the heat from the infrared sauna can help to relax your muscles, making it easier to stretch and move.

Q5: What are the benefits of doing yoga in an infrared sauna?

A: Doing yoga in an infrared sauna can have numerous benefits, including detoxification, relaxation, weight loss, and pain relief.

Q6: Is it safe to do yoga in an infrared sauna?

A: Yes, it is generally safe to do yoga in an infrared sauna. However, it’s important to stay hydrated, listen to your body, and take breaks if needed. If you have any medical conditions or are pregnant, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

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